My Athan Pro 2017



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Download now the program "My Athan Pro 2017" and prayer times with a small size on your Android device, despite the distractions and concerns of life. This program will alert you in case of inattention or if you sleep during the schedules of prayer, and you will never miss a prayer with the will of god. This program will also be among the causes of your commitment in the five daily prayers.The program is always, and thus the schedules of the prayers are predefined specifically for each country, whether it is an Islamic, Arab or foreign country. The schedules are also according to the provinces and regions within each country and are updated correctly, whether for winter time or for summer time. It is one of the best application programs for notifications of prayer schedules.How to use the program:First, you have to select your current city, either through manual search or through the Internet. For example, you choose the manual option and you are looking for "France" as a country and "Paris" as a city so that the prayer times are defined in a correct way. Do not forget to change the default city which is the city of "Mecca" so that the schedule is not badly calculated, if you do not live in Mecca of course.Second, go into the parameters and choose the doctrine, either "Hanafi" or "Chafii" as well as how to calculate. For example, the Egyptian general commission of the area, the summer or winter schedule as well as the sound of the notification without ringing or with a complete 'Adhan' (Call to prayer).I hope that the program will benefit you as well as your family and I respectfully request that you evaluate it with five stars as a kind of support, without forgetting to share it with the rest of your family.